3 1/2 years since I took any meds
I want to update on my medical status for those interested (not everyone cares to read it on facebook statuses) but I'm having a problem with words. I get about halfway through a paragraph and just don't have the energy to finish. So this may seem abrupt or short but I'm going to try and sum it up.
I'm not on any medication for MS specifically. I am taking medication for migraines which works some days and some days I still need to take the stronger stuff. It isn't always allergy related because my headaches are mostly on sunny days not just because I have the windows open.
I'm going to call the doctor Monday to find out how long insurance approval for the medication will take but I have already done all the pre-approval testing I think. I know I passed my EKG and I have already been to the eye doctor. There weren't any other appointments that I remember.
I am in the middle of a relapse. Pretty severe one it seems. Fatigue goes without saying and Logan just stopped taking naps. :| My short term memory is pretty bad. My mood swings are really bad - especially when I overheat (yes we have already had warm enough days in Texas for that to happen) :( I mix up and forget words. More than normal.
The hug is back and not the good kind. It hurts.
I get really super dizzy and this was before I started back on any medication.
Brain fog is real and it sucks. click the link to read about it.
My feet burn at night. Like I'm putting them to a fire or next to a heater. The good thing is on cold nights I think I am warming JP's feet (which are always cold) but I can't be sure. The burning hurts but at least I don't go to bed cold because we do live in a drafty house.
I cannot stand for long without leaning on something or holding onto something. I think this is related to my back. After I get on gilenya the neuro is going to look into physical therapy if I remember right. So cooking is difficult. JP has a stool in the kitchen I can use when I try and make something that takes a lot of prep and he isn't here to help. I always have to push the cart even if Logan would rather it be his sister. I can vacuum the house but by the time I get to the front door I hold myself up on the beam at the bottom of the stairs and finish the foyer.
My right hand shakes. My neuro thinks it isn't MS related and my migraine meds could help make it stop. They haven't so far (almost a month in)
I'm not discussing my bathroom issues lol
Finally and most frustrating to me is the tingling. It is occasionally in my legs but lately and pretty much 24/7 for the past month or more has been in my face and scalp and lately inside my mouth. Which is TOTALLY weird guys. Imagine your mouth watering like you just tasted something sour but all the time and your cheeks feeling kind of numb-ish...tingly. Because they are. So my face tingles constantly and sometimes all around my scalp and it will feel itchy and I probably look like I have lice LOL
MS is weird guys. SO weird.
This post has taken me many days to type up. Mostly because I stop midway and decide no one really cares to read it like my mom used to (she was really who I wrote my last blog for if I'm to be honest)
I decided to finish it my way. Thus the multiple nutso paragraphs. I will never have proper grammar or punctuation. I have never claimed to be an english major. Math was always my strong subject. Read it or not. I won't post regularly because life happens. I mostly wanted to get this up because I'm distracting myself from wanting to get away for the weekend ;)
I also wanted to post this because JP is the only person to really know all this. He is my rock and my constant. He knows these things and loves me through it all. Helps me without question and without hesitation no matter what he might be going through himself. Luckily we have my brother and sister-in-law in town if we need help in a pinch but as far as the day to day and really understanding how much I pain I am in-JP sees it and I probably put more on him than I should..but he never stops asking or helping. I am pretty lucky and I love him more than words can express.
Also, I'm 99.9% sure I'm forgetting things like the anxiety problems I have and the sleeping problems I have. (but now I remembered those so they don't really count right?)
edit: oh hey, vision loss but that has been constant since around 2009, and hearing loss which just started last month and is almost totally gone in my left ear.
I'm not on any medication for MS specifically. I am taking medication for migraines which works some days and some days I still need to take the stronger stuff. It isn't always allergy related because my headaches are mostly on sunny days not just because I have the windows open.
I'm going to call the doctor Monday to find out how long insurance approval for the medication will take but I have already done all the pre-approval testing I think. I know I passed my EKG and I have already been to the eye doctor. There weren't any other appointments that I remember.
I am in the middle of a relapse. Pretty severe one it seems. Fatigue goes without saying and Logan just stopped taking naps. :| My short term memory is pretty bad. My mood swings are really bad - especially when I overheat (yes we have already had warm enough days in Texas for that to happen) :( I mix up and forget words. More than normal.
The hug is back and not the good kind. It hurts.
I get really super dizzy and this was before I started back on any medication.
Brain fog is real and it sucks. click the link to read about it.
My feet burn at night. Like I'm putting them to a fire or next to a heater. The good thing is on cold nights I think I am warming JP's feet (which are always cold) but I can't be sure. The burning hurts but at least I don't go to bed cold because we do live in a drafty house.
I cannot stand for long without leaning on something or holding onto something. I think this is related to my back. After I get on gilenya the neuro is going to look into physical therapy if I remember right. So cooking is difficult. JP has a stool in the kitchen I can use when I try and make something that takes a lot of prep and he isn't here to help. I always have to push the cart even if Logan would rather it be his sister. I can vacuum the house but by the time I get to the front door I hold myself up on the beam at the bottom of the stairs and finish the foyer.
My right hand shakes. My neuro thinks it isn't MS related and my migraine meds could help make it stop. They haven't so far (almost a month in)
I'm not discussing my bathroom issues lol
Finally and most frustrating to me is the tingling. It is occasionally in my legs but lately and pretty much 24/7 for the past month or more has been in my face and scalp and lately inside my mouth. Which is TOTALLY weird guys. Imagine your mouth watering like you just tasted something sour but all the time and your cheeks feeling kind of numb-ish...tingly. Because they are. So my face tingles constantly and sometimes all around my scalp and it will feel itchy and I probably look like I have lice LOL
MS is weird guys. SO weird.
This post has taken me many days to type up. Mostly because I stop midway and decide no one really cares to read it like my mom used to (she was really who I wrote my last blog for if I'm to be honest)
I decided to finish it my way. Thus the multiple nutso paragraphs. I will never have proper grammar or punctuation. I have never claimed to be an english major. Math was always my strong subject. Read it or not. I won't post regularly because life happens. I mostly wanted to get this up because I'm distracting myself from wanting to get away for the weekend ;)
I also wanted to post this because JP is the only person to really know all this. He is my rock and my constant. He knows these things and loves me through it all. Helps me without question and without hesitation no matter what he might be going through himself. Luckily we have my brother and sister-in-law in town if we need help in a pinch but as far as the day to day and really understanding how much I pain I am in-JP sees it and I probably put more on him than I should..but he never stops asking or helping. I am pretty lucky and I love him more than words can express.
Also, I'm 99.9% sure I'm forgetting things like the anxiety problems I have and the sleeping problems I have. (but now I remembered those so they don't really count right?)
edit: oh hey, vision loss but that has been constant since around 2009, and hearing loss which just started last month and is almost totally gone in my left ear.
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