MS is unpredictable

If you take anything from this blog learn this one thing. MS is the MOST unpredictable thing you will ever experience in your life. You will have your lowest of lows for who knows how long and then you can wake up one day and feel better. For no other reason than the wind changed or the pressure changed or your hormones changed (I really think it is that sensitive. I have theories I would be willing to talk about with female friends but it might be a little weird with guys).

So today is a better day. Last week was so BAD. Sunday we just had a horrible awful very bad day with lots of tears in this house, but today...I'm not so bad. I'm not perfect. I'm dizzy. I'm forgetful. I'm really forgetful BUT. I'm better. I can tell I'm better. I did some cleaning. I haven't just sat in the chair all morning. I'm working on potty training the boy since the weather is warmer. Getting a little too warm and muggy for me but I'm still trying to save money so the fans are on FULL BLAST.

I don't have a lot to report medically. I'm just feeling better and wanted to post about it so you guys would understand a bit about MS and why it is so hard. Today JP is going to worry I am overdoing it and will not be able to do anything tomorrow. That is his concern. He might be a little right in feeling this way. When I feel better, almost normal, I want to do all the things and when I stand up and can actually do them!??! It is the best feeling in the world. I'm so excited for Kai to come home from school and I can tell her I did it myself. I will reign myself in. I promise John Paul...I promise. (but just a little more living today right?!!!) 💕

As much as you don't know how long the bad will last you also don't know how long the good will last so I'm off to do just that.


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