
Showing posts from February, 2018

MS is unpredictable

If you take anything from this blog learn this one thing. MS is the MOST unpredictable thing you will ever experience in your life. You will have your lowest of lows for who knows how long and then you can wake up one day and feel better. For no other reason than the wind changed or the pressure changed or your hormones changed (I really think it is that sensitive. I have theories I would be willing to talk about with female friends but it might be a little weird with guys). So today is a better day. Last week was so BAD. Sunday we just had a horrible awful very bad day with lots of tears in this house, but today...I'm not so bad. I'm not perfect. I'm dizzy. I'm forgetful. I'm really forgetful BUT. I'm better. I can tell I'm better. I did some cleaning. I haven't just sat in the chair all morning. I'm working on potty training the boy since the weather is warmer. Getting a little too warm and muggy for me but I'm still trying to save money so t...

Sometimes Fridays are Mondays

I'm beginning this post on Friday. I'm not sure when I will get to publish the post but it is relevant to today so that is why I am telling what today is first. Yesterday I was sitting in my chair imagining a few things the boy and I would do today. Not crazy things. Not marathon-running type things. Just a simple trip to the store to buy vitamins for everyone and a trip to exchange some shoes I ordered online where I WAY overestimated his shoe size. Not too complicated. Two places. Not long lists. The weather even cooperated for us today. The problem is today my body decided it doesn't want me to do anything. I have never had such a crazy panic attack. At least this is my self-diagnosis. I'm sure if I went to the ER they would tell me it is either dehydration or anxiety so I'm staying home and drinking water. So far nothing has gotten worse and it isn't chest pain since first thing this morning. Since then it is really low (for me) blood pressure, high resting ... butter

Not at all like butter really. I just like to cook and can relate anything to cooking. So I wanted to clarify a bit about Multiple Sclerosis. There are lots of different types of MS and even the same type of MS is different from person to person. What is even more complicated is how different it is from day to day. Let's just stick with the big picture in this blog post.  I currently have Relapsing-remitting which means it gets better and it gets worse and it gets better again. In the doctor world I'm not sure how they can be so sure it will get better again. When it is bad it sure doesn't seem like it will get better again. From what I understand, my version can progress to the primary-progressive type which means it doesn't get better. When I was diagnosed there was already evidence of previous damage which means I had previous symptoms and didn't even know it. If you want to know more about the types of MS and what they mean I like the charts on  this site ...

3 1/2 years since I took any meds

I want to update on my medical status for those interested (not everyone cares to read it on facebook statuses) but I'm having a problem with words. I get about halfway through a paragraph and just don't have the energy to finish. So this may seem abrupt or short but I'm going to try and sum it up. I'm not on any medication for MS specifically. I am taking medication for migraines which works some days and some days I still need to take the stronger stuff. It isn't always allergy related because my headaches are mostly on sunny days not just because I have the windows open. I'm going to call the doctor Monday to find out how long insurance approval for the medication will take but I have already done all the pre-approval testing I think. I know I passed my EKG and I have already been to the eye doctor. There weren't any other appointments that I remember. I am in the middle of a relapse. Pretty severe one it seems. Fatigue goes without saying and Logan...